Research visually for deeper insights
Noteey is a visual note-taking app for making sense of complex thoughts & big ideas. Offline, secure, and fast.
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Make sense of complex topics faster
Elevate Your Understanding with PDF Highlights, Annotations, and Mindmaps
Build your visual knowledge base effortlessly
Structure your sources and ideas visually to enhance your research

What makes Noteey special?

Offline First
Offline First
Noteey stores data on your device,so you can access them offline. You only need an account if you use premium features.
Offline First
Local backup and sharing
Save a local copy of your project and share it with others. They can open it on their devices without limitations.
Offline First
Annotate, Highlight PDF Easily
Search in PDF, make highlights, annotations, and break down in whiteboards to discover new insights.
Offline First
All-in-one infinite canvas
Text, images, cards, PDFs, mind mapping, videos, drawing tools, every type is supported and well-designed.
Offline First
Deep Linking
Every card and block has a unique link, so Noteey can work together with other apps.
Offline First
Presentation mode
Showcase your knowledge and ideas in presentation mode. Discover more inspiration through connected learning.
What is Noteey used for?
Second Brain
Creative Writing
Swipe Files
Mood Board
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